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is were we can help you
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Dictum fusce ut placerat orci nulla pellentesque dignissim. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Justo eget magna fermentum iaculis eu. Ut venenatis tellus in metus vulputate eu scelerisque.
Ut venenatis tellus in metus vulputate eu scelerisque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Justo eget magna fermentum iaculis eu. Dictum fusce ut placerat orci nulla pellentesque dignissim.
Never be unsure about what to eat again. Wellness once and for all.
Meet YOUR SANE Tribe, Your People, Your Support System
Get away for a transformational experience of a lifetime
Learn how to turn off criticism, shame and guilt and love yourself
Get intimate and personalized support
Build lifelong friendships with like minded people WHO ALSO WANT TO LIVE BETTER
Hear Stories from and Be Inspired by People Who Have Overcome Obstacles
Have Access to transformational coaches and support system
Learn from, and gain one-on-one access to, world-class experts
Get to know the real YOU – your history, your story and how you can accept and use it to fuel your breakthrough
Have Your BETTER Breakthrough Moment
Gifts for you to take home to kick off your BETTER life
Father. Husband. CEO. NYTimes bestseller.
I wrote a New York Times Best Selling Book and I have helped THOUSANDS of people end their struggle with weight and debilitating health conditions such as Diabetes. My SANE program and research has been continuously endorsed by the Harvard Medical School, Johns Hopkins, The Mayo Clinic and the Cleveland Clinic.
This, come to find out, was only the beginning of my journey. What I have learned and seen first hand since then, with every single person I have worked with over the past few years, is that nutrition and learning HOW and WHAT to eat can be a powerful tool BUT it is NOT step one.
The first step it isn’t about information it is about TRANSFORMATION.
Each one of us has to heal past wounds, trauma, shame and feelings of unworthiness. These are symptoms plaguing our society today yet we rarely address them. We cover them with quick fixes like food and alcohol or prescription drugs to tamp down the anxiety and depression. Until you look inward at what you believe about yourself all the nutrition information in the world is useless at best and harmful at worst. I’ve found that “worrying” about eating the “right” foods before you’ve experienced this transformation, is a bit like “worrying” about wearing the “right” clothes to a new job before you’ve even applied for the job.
If you spend a lot of your time thinking, “How do I do this, because I want my life back,” then I’m going to make a special invitation right now that you join me and we work together on this.
Once we dial that in, you can start to move forward and start TRULY living BETTER.
Once upon a time there was a skinny geeky little boy who wanted to be Superman.
He looked up to his big brother, a strong football player. He wanted to get those same big muscles so people would look up to him, too. Every night, he would sit at the dinner table with his football player brother and his super brainy professor parents, dreaming of the day he, too, would be tall and strong, a “big man.”
Yet as the birthdays came and went, he grew taller and lankier but not bigger and stronger. He tried everything to become big and strong—he read every book and magazine, he tried every exercise routine, he followed every meal plan available. He met with nefarious people to try pills, powders, and potions, all in hopes of finally becoming a big man. Yet he was so discouraged when he looked in the mirror. He didn’t want to remain the skinny geeky boy forever—he wanted to be Superman.
The kid read and studied, devouring health and fitness magazines and books, listening to big, strong men like his brother talk about how to get big and strong. To earn his way through college, he decided to put some of this hard-earned knowledge to work, to try to help other people change their bodies, as a personal trainer.
And every day he would eat more, trying to gain weight—to become bigger.
And every day he would ask his clients to eat less, so they could lose weight—to become smaller.
He worked up to 6,000 calories a day, not doing any cardiovascular exercise. And he would gain not one ounce.
At the same time, his clients would eat 1,600 calories and work out a half an hour a day. And they would lose not one ounce.
So he cut them down to 1,400 calories and increased their workout to an hour a day.
Then down to 1,200 calories and an hour and a half workout every day.
And still they would lose not one ounce.
The boy grew distraught—where could he go from here? Would he have to eat 7,000 calories—and his clients 700!?
With every calorie they cut, his clients felt more and more miserable—achy, angry, and even depressed. And the boy did, too. His heart was broken. He could not help himself. He could not help others. What was going wrong?
In his private moments of frustration, the boy blamed his clients. “If they could just eat less, they would lose weight—what’s their problem? They just need to try harder!”
One day, while he drank his sixth shot of calorie-packed olive oil of the afternoon, the truth revealed itself to him in a blinding flash: What if some big strong man somewhere was thinking the exact same thing about him? “If that skinny geeky kid could just eat more, he would gain weight—what’s his problem? He just needs to try harder.”
The boy felt a tremendous sense of sadness and failure—how had he not seen the truth before? How had he been torturing his clients for years, subjecting them to restrictive diets and misery, all in the name of the exact same logic that wasn’t working for him? How could he have inflicted that same calorie-based brute force torment and heartache upon them?
His mission had been to help people feel healthier and better about themselves but all he was doing was making everyone—including himself—sicker and sadder.
He was overwhelmed with regret—and he was determined to make it right.
He went back to his professor parents, to ask their advice. He told them about the countless hours he’d spent reading and studying and applying what he’d learned—yet he wasn’t able to help any of his clients, or even himself.
“Son,” they said, “remember what we taught you about any type of information: ‘Consider the source.’”
Either he had the wrong source of information, or the information itself was wrong, or both. The “truth” in which he’d placed all of his faith, the standard fitness industry tale of willpower-meets-calories-in-calories-out-meets-try-harder, clearly wasn’t the whole story—and might even be the wrong story altogether.
His parents said, “Son, you and your clients are not suffering from an effort problem. You are all trying really hard. What you have is an information problem.”
So the boy threw away everything that he knew, and started fresh. He drew upon his geeky roots, and began a new journey that took him deep into the foreign and little-traveled lands of jargon-packed scientific studies and mind-bending academic journal articles.
During his journey, the boy discovered that everything he’d ever been taught was gospel as a trainer was disproven in the scientific literature. Every single thing he thought he knew was wrong.
The more the boy read and the deeper he researched, the bigger the gap he found between what he had been taught and what the science said. He wandered into the depths of the human brain in neurobiology papers. He was dazzled by endocrinology, the delicate interplay of hundreds of hormones. He explored gastroenterology, the role the gut and digestive system have on health. He looked at any and every study that might help him answer the burning question: “Why can I eat 6,000 calories and never gain weight, while some eat 1,200 and never lose it? How can we all get the body we want without struggle and suffering?”
The boy was no longer interested in fighting against the body; he wanted to transform the body. He wanted to change the way the body processed calories all day, every day, automatically. He wanted to improve the system itself, rather than using barbaric supplementation or starvation to torture a system that wasn’t working correctly in the first place.
After more than 10 years, 10,000 pages of research, 1,300 scientific studies, and countless conversations with scientists, the boy emerged from his research journey reborn. The opinion-centered, willpower-driven, calorie-focused boy was now a science-centered, research-driven, food-focused man.
For the first time, this man realized a stark truth: He would never become Superman. His genes simply wouldn’t allow it. However, he also realized a truth that freed him and changed his life forever: While he might never become Superman, through modern eating and exercise science, he could become a super man, the very best version of the person he was born to be.
He had discovered an approach to burning fat, developing lean muscle, and optimizing health that turned calorie-counting upside down. He had found thousands of studies that proved the culprit was not the calories in the food, but the food itself.
Only high-quality, healing SANE foods could unclog the body’s metabolic sink, which had been jammed with low-quality, damaging, inSANE food-like products that were keeping people fat. Only SANE foods could sweep out the toxic inSANITY, regenerate cells, rebalance metabolic hormones and digestive bacteria, and make people healthy, lean, strong, and energetic again. Only large quantities of delicious, whole, healing SANE foods were powerful enough to reset the body’s entire system and allow the brain to get back to balancing calories automatically—just like it does in naturally slim people (like himself).
And once he knew this truth, the man could not wait to share it with the world. He recommitted his life to helping people achieve their weight loss goals with data and facts, rather than hurting them with fairy tales of starvation dieting and binge eating.
The boy never did become Superman. But by using all he learned, he had finally become a super man, the best possible version of the man he was born to be. And he now had a new mission, to teach others and to spread the word:
You can transform your body. You can enjoy an astounding level of vibrancy, love, and satisfaction in your life. You can eat more, not less—and you will get leaner and healthier in the process. You don’t have to suffer. You just need correct information.
You just need to go SANE—and then you will become super, too. And you and your body will truly live happily ever after.
JONATHAN’S TED TALK: Can Superman End Diabetes? (Is Sugar The New Smoking)
Get ready to be inspired about your life and health and tap into your natural, unlimited motivation.
Dr. Keesha Ewers is an integrative medicine expert, Doctor of Sexology, Family Practice ARNP, Psychotherapist, herbalist, is board certified in functional medicine and Ayurvedic medicine, and is the founder and medical director of the Academy for Integrative Medicine Health Coach Certification Program.
Dr. Keesha has been in the medical field for over 30 years. After conducting the HURT Study in 2013 (Healing Un-Resolved Trauma), she developed the HURT Model for understanding how past childhood trauma impacts adult health.
Dr. Keesha is a popular speaker, including at Harvard and from the TEDx stage, and the best-selling author of Solving the Autoimmune Puzzle: The Woman’s Guide to Reclaiming Emotional Freedom and Vibrant Health, The Quick and Easy Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook: Anti-Inflammatory Recipes with 7 Ingredients or Less for Busy People, and Your Libido Story: A workbook for women who want to find, fix, and free their sexual desire. You can also listen to her on Mystic Medicine Radio Show.
Jennifer is a transformational health coach and wellness expert. She has a Masters degree in Science, is a Certified Exercise Physiologist and Emotional Intelligence Specialist. She works with her clients to understand the REAL REASONS they have been numbing with food (and/or alcohol) to create lasting and permanent results.
Her work has been featured in Canadian Living Magazine, Running Room Magazine, CTV, Global TV & Breakfast TV and is the host of the popular podcast, ENERGY To Thrive.
“When you have someone who believes in you, there’s far less struggle. So I help people battle their doubts and fears, and replace them with hope and possibilities. I’m proud to see them shed not just the extra pounds, but their negative self-concepts and self-images. The results are truly transformational on every level.”
Lorna is a veteran yoga teacher, reiki master, certified relationship coach, motivational speaker, transformational coach and teacher, and organizational change facilitator. She has a Masters degree in education and has held the position of “CSO” (Chief Spiritual Officer) for The Daily Method international franchise.
Lorna empowers individuals to feel passionate, purposeful, free, and inspired to engage deeply in their lives, and to serve their highest calling. Her teaching style is a precise focus on mindfulness, meditation, and optimal alignment from the inside-out.
“I celebrate people turning themselves ON – mentally, physically and spiritually – to live their passion and purpose through freedom and connection.”
* Limited rooms available at a discount. Reservations must be made by October 23rd to receive the discounted room rate. The special Live BETTER live rate is available for Friday, November 15th – Monday, November 18th.
Phone: 1(888)236-2427 (To receive the room discount let them know you are with the Live BETTER)
what our clients say
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Justo eget magna fermentum iaculis eu.
Some examples of our work
Guess what? Life is messy. EVERYONE’S life.
You have an individualized, very personal pattern of dealing with everything that happens to you.
And this becomes a vinyl record of your “greatest hits” – with your habits and patterns etched into it over a lifetime.
To truly have your BETTER life, you will not find it doing the same things you have done over and over again. That’s just the truth.
You shift into your BETTER life by showing up and surrounding yourself with other like minded people at the LIVE BETTER – LIVE event.
People who will be part of your community and your tribe for the newest chapter of your life.
It is scientifically proven that coming together in COMMUNITY is POWERFUL – it is where your golden road paved with possibility and a BETTER life awaits. It is where you step fully into your life of peace, joy, fulfillment and serenity.
This is your invitation.
There is a BETTER lighter life waiting for you.
The transformation and change will happen so much faster than you could ever imagine.
Your body is a healing machine. You just need the right fuel, information and community.
The BETTER Experience Is Backed By Proven Medical Science
“A treasure trove of reliable information…challenges the diet dogma and offers a sensible path to good health…smart, health promoting, and deserves to be hot, hot, hot!”
“Will do more to assist people with their health than all the popular diet books currently out there put together. I want to shout, ‘Bravo! Finally someone gets it!'”
“I am often asked if there is a proven prescription for weight loss. Providing a captivating explanation of the science of fat loss, this is that prescription.”
“Jonathan Bailor cuts through the noise around diet and weight loss and tells it to us straight: the food we eat impacts our biology in the most fundamental yet fixable ways. Our hormones regulate weight loss, and what we eat impacts how they function. Calories? Not the issue.”
“Exposes the fundamental myths about obesity and weight loss that are keeping Americans sick. By explaining the link between our hormones and our metabolism, Jonathan Bailor offers readers a powerful set of tools for creating lifelong health.”
“Bailor reveals some of the latest and best scientific research on the real story of diet, exercise, and their effects on us. I heartily recommend this.”
Copyright 2018
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These are real life "Transformation Statements" that are created during the event, get yours here.
These are real life "Transformation Statements" that are created during the event, get yours here.
These are real life "Transformation Statements" that are created during the event, get yours here.
These are real life "Transformation Statements" that are created during the event, get yours here.
These are real life "Transformation Statements" that are created during the event, get yours here.
These are real life "Transformation Statements" that are created during the event, get yours here.
These are real life "Transformation Statements" that are created during the event, get yours here.
These are real life "Transformation Statements" that are created during the event, get yours here.
These are real life "Transformation Statements" that are created during the event, get yours here.
These are real life "Transformation Statements" that are created during the event, get yours here.
These are real life "Transformation Statements" that are created during the event, get yours here.
These are real life "Transformation Statements" that are created during the event, get yours here.
These are real life "Transformation Statements" that are created during the event, get yours here.
These are real life "Transformation Statements" that are created during the event, get yours here.
These are real life "Transformation Statements" that are created during the event, get yours here.
These are real life "Transformation Statements" that are created during the event, get yours here.
These are real life "Transformation Statements" that are created during the event, get yours here.
These are real life "Transformation Statements" that are created during the event, get yours here.
These are real life "Transformation Statements" that are created during the event, get yours here.
These are real life "Transformation Statements" that are created during the event, get yours here.
These are real life "Transformation Statements" that are created during the event, get yours here.
These are real life "Transformation Statements" that are created during the event, get yours here.
These are real life "Transformation Statements" that are created during the event, get yours here.
These are real life "Transformation Statements" that are created during the event, get yours here.
These are real life "Transformation Statements" that are created during the event, get yours here.